2017 Texas UpDog Challenge
FDDA is hosting the First Ever Official Texas UpDog Challenge Competition on March 25 & 26, 2017!
The Liberty Hill Youth Sports Complex on the football field just off of Highway 29:
252 CR 200, Liberty Hill, TX 78642
We will be playing 3 UpDog games each day with 2 rounds of some of the more challenging games:
- Frizgility (This is the only one with an agility component, the rest are disc games. HARNESSES are not allowed during the Frigility game, for the safety of the dog. UpDog rules)
- Throw n Go
- Freestyle
- 4-way Play
- Time Warp
- Spaced Out
This is a fun competition in which dogs of all ages and levels can play.
To register, please see our event posted on our Facebook page.
Check out where we will be next, and come join us!